Saturday, September 13, 2008

Training is lame

Training, training, then more training! I want to play soldier for real!!!! tommarrow is the last day for training! then we fly up to mosul and start missions. Real missions. the ones that count. the ones you dream about.
next week we start the real fun.


OminaeKC said...

years in the making! almost show time. I'm sure that just like anything else, training and field work are way different but I just KNOW you're going to do amazing things out there, Bro. if I sound like a cheesehole then forgive me, but my best vibes are with you, Clint! be the blessing to all those lives you encounter just as you've been in my own.

and if that means blessing the enemy as the usher to their next estates, then be the Nephi to their Laban, without his hesitation... feel free to use that as a lyric to one of your songs.

inwithclint said...

Ominae. I dont know who is more excited. you or me?!?! thanks brother.
and yes you are a cheesehole.